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by Christopher J. Burke
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1711: Simplify the Radicals
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

Is that because he's extremely complex, or that he just defies simplification?

One of the problems I have this week every year is coming up with comics for Pi Day and St. Patrick's Day and maybe even recognizing the Ides of March. Another is that I put off ideas I had earlier until after this has all passed. And then I can't remember what that joke I thought of was. Yes, I write lots of stuff down, and sometimes I write it in places where I'll find it again.

Thankfully, I still have the classroom for inspiration! And, yes, this is one of those cases where students may stop working rather than dealing with it and finishing the problem.

There are a few reasons for simplifying radicals, the least of which is because they'll be simplified on state exams. You have to be able to recognize the correct choice when it's written in a different form. More importantly, it's easier to deal with them once they're in simplest form because then they can be combined just like any other like terms.

And happy St. Joseph's Day everyone! Enjoy your pastry!

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