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(x, why?)
by Christopher J. Burke
Mr. Burke's Math logo

1707: Up and Down
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

Based on a true story. Including the get lower comment.

It's a curiosity of the language that "duck" means to "get down" and that you "get down" from a duck. Or a goose, but let's not speak of that verb.

As for the math on the board, it looks like Mr. Keegan set them up with a problem and started the answer, allowing his students to fill in the missing parts. Keep of like those vague instructions that are given before quests.

Final note: Since I have ads turned on anyway, I figured I should advertise for myself. I have an ebook of flash fiction available for only Two Dollars, and a paperback for $10. Check it out.

Update: I should add that I gave in a while ago and turned on Google ads. It doesn't pay much but it's something.

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