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(x, why?)
by Christopher J. Burke
Mr. Burke's Math logo

1616: Remote Learning VII: Last Day
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

The whole remote process was a hairy situation for a while.

Is it over, or just paused? I can't say at this time. Summer school will be remote certainly, but there is no certainty about what fall brings.

As for the hair jokes, I was ready to give all the characters hair cuts this week even if I wasn't able to get one myself, because it was getting to be too much to draw too much of it. Thankfully, I was able to. I showed up Wednesday morning at 7:55 am, and by 8:05, there were three people waiting in the shop with two more waiting in a car out front. We all had the same idea.

The oddest part of this comic was trying to find a suitable font that was readable when small. I wasn't Courier or System, but neither would appear that small. And Arial just looked wrong. I guess I could've tried shrinking the text and touching it up, but I don't imagine that would be time well spent.

Summer vacation, on the other hand, I plan on being time well spent. At least, some of the time it will be.

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