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by Christopher J. Burke
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1615: School's Out
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

But are those students or teachers?

Here in NYC, school ends at the end of the week, even though, for all intents and purposes ("intensive purposes" for those in some sectors of social media), it's been over for a while. And, I'm not referring to the fact that the school buildings themselves have shut down. School life changed after that, but it didn't end.

As for boredom, my brother-in-law brought my nephew over to use our pool yesterday (during "recess") while I was inside working. The little one was so bored while sitting in the sun, drying off, that he actually called his mother (working from home) to ask her what he could do. Seriously.

Another "building" comic, and it wasn't as quick to make as I imagined. Not that I thought it would be easy because I knew I'd want to put some detail into it. If I reuse these buildings, I'll add more.

House like these have popped up in my neighborhood for a few decades now, but really hit their stride, I think, about 15 years ago. (There were some legal changes that forced designs like this, and others that forced many of them into existence in a short span of time. Literally, nearly an entire block in my neighborhood was transformed into their dwellings in about a six-month period.) I thought them ugly back then, and lacking in character, but newer constructions tend to look worse. It take a while for aesthetically-pleasing to catch up with functional and legally-compliant.

Part of the reason the character of the neighborhood has to change, of course, is to comply with newer regulations. For the most part, this is a good thing. For example, homes now have better access, at least on ground floors. On the other hand, they have problems with parking. Most of these have room for one or two cars to park out front, but each other removes a couple of spaces of curbside parking. Basically, it's a wash, unless the resident with the spot doesn't own a car.

Anyway, I wasn't planning on complaining about construction. I just wanted to point out that rows of buildings like these aren't atypical around here. On the other hand, lots of kids inside them might be. I have no idea how big these units are, but they really can't be very big.

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