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by Christopher J. Burke
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979: Pi Day 2015 (A Day Early)
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

You would be correct to celebrate at 9:26:54, but like with the Millennium, you'll miss all the fun.

Back in the old days, when Dad would tell stories about him and his buddy Archimedes, we used 3.14 as an approximation to pi, or sometimes 22/7 is slightly closer. For more accuracy, we had to use 3.1416 -- not 3.1415. For this reason, I included that parenthetical (8). Rounding is important is mathematics! And in science!

Not so much in Marketing. Did you buy a shirt? I didn't. I'd save it for tomorrow and then it'd be "old" whenever I wore it again. Awkward! As if being a math geek wasn't bad enough!

Speaking of tomorrow: I'm trying to keep to a pseudo-regular schedule, and Friday posts are more well-received than Saturday posts. Just saying. And marketing, too, I guess.

Happy Friday the 13th! and enjoy the best Pi Day of Your Life ... so far.

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