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by Christopher J. Burke
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1744: Leftovers: Faces
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

The year is over, but I'd like to see my students!

It was a fact of life for many of my colleagues this year that the students just would not (unless required or mandated in some manner) turn on their screens. And many of them wouldn't speak either. While being muted was helpful for parts of the lesson, limiting oneself to just the Chat box was problematic because there are times that the teacher is presenting something, and thus taking over the screen, where the Chat box wouldn't be visible.

As a result, many students only unmuted and spoke up when they were frustrated about something. Unfortunately, that frustrated attitude could be catchy if a teacher couldn't ameloriate the situation. Basically, it was a trying year with remote learning, even when we were in the classroom.

But I'm sure the students understood the little shot Mr. Ibsen threw out there. Even if only ten of them appear to be there.

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