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by Christopher J. Burke
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1727: Happy Mother's Day 2021!
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

It almost defies the laws of science, but neither of them are science teachers!

Yes, it's been awhile, and that actually had been the plan, even before the pandemic. Most of the characters are stuck in Temporal Status, which will make the references and relationships in this strip as outdated as early Simpsons episodes if I keep doing this comic. Unless I have a Crisis in Finite Panels.

Side note: there was a couple on Will & Grace in their earlier run who would appear on game nights where the wife was always pregnant, and this went on for a couple of seasons. No mention was ever made to her ever had any actual babies. It was just a running gag that was never mentioned. It would have been a "brick joke" if she'd delivered in the final season.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone, whether you're a Mom, thinking about becoming a Mom, or just thinking about your Mom at all.

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