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(x, why?)
by Christopher J. Burke
Mr. Burke's Math logo

1694: (x, why?) Mini: Least Common Multiple
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

That's just for starters, of course.

Well, it is a Common mistake. Vocabulary comprehension is usually a Factor.

I make no secret of the fact that I started doing "minis" because simpler comics should be quicker to make. The thought being they were like daily strips compared to the Sunday funnies.

And then I get bright ideas about using characters I already have, instead of making quick one-shots, or just using large fonts. Riiiiiiight.

Of course, that means tracking down the last image of them. And then realizes that they aren't all quite the same scale.

But it's the right size for a bookmark, if I ever get to go to a science-fiction convention again.

As it turns out, of the three of them, 12 was the most recently used, and this is only her second appearance. I haven't used Henry and Tricia in quite a while, and Henry is usually smaller.

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