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(x, why?)
by Christopher J. Burke
Mr. Burke's Math logo

1449: Foregone Conclusion
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

You know he won't be gone 4 long!

You may have notice my "new" name for my talking numerics. Except it isn't really a new name -- to me. I came up with the name back in 2007, when the strip was new, but I was afraid to use it because I thought someone would steal it from me. And I was a nobody at the time. I figured I needed to register my trademark, but I never got around to doing that (or even figuring out exactly how). By my tenth anniversary, I was wondering what the hell am I waiting for? I had a great name but no one else knew about it.

So I hope you like it, and I'll keep on using it. Now that I've a bit more established, I'll use it more frequently. I don't think I'll retcon the old strips, but if I ever update the Archives, I'll be sure to add a note.

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