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(x, why?)
by Christopher J. Burke
Mr. Burke's Math logo

1424: W.O.D.B. #2
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

Like I was going to say someone doesn't belong!

Inspired by four young ladies, who don't fall into these categories this neatly. I was making mental notes while learning their names when I noticed similarities amongst this group of friends.

As for the puzzle, I wanted there to be a "preferred" answer, but I added things that only apply to two, not three, of the images deliberately. It's like when someone says "B is the only right triangle" when two others are acute and the last is the only obtuse triangle. It doesn't quite fit.

Of course, I nearly messed myself up with this when, despite having it all worked out in advance, I suddenly decided to give C bangs. It looked great. Except that it messed up the answer to D. Such is life when creating puzzles.

Finally, I wanted to make sure that there were answers should someone print this out on a black and white printer.

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