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by Christopher J. Burke
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1144: Math Horror Movies: The Knight Has 1000 i's
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

One Thousand i's with a Quest to be The One!

Okay, this one isn't a movie, but there is a story. This week, we lost Bobby Vee, a pop idol from before my time, actually. Over the years, I'd heard some of his hits on the Oldies station, whether I knew that they were his at the time is another question.

Anyway, a group of friends were together for Game Night one Saturday evening, and while we're sitting at the table, someone decided to put on the radio for background music. The only song I remember playing was "The Night Has 1000 Eyes", by Bobby Vee. I remember it because it was the first time that any of us had ever heard that oldie, and we thought it was the stupidest thing we'd ever heard -- but in a fun way. We were laughing about it the rest of the evening.

So much so that the next time we all got together at that same house, probably a month or two later, we put the radio back on. And when the song didn't come on, one of the girls picked up the phone -- they were still attached to the wall back then! -- called the station and requested it. She said it was her favorite. And it played a few minutes later. And we sang along as well as we could because we didn't actually know the words.

Life was good.

So R.I.P., Mr. Bobby Vee. Those thousand eyes can't help but see.
Except that C is 100, not 1000.

Video: The Night Has 1000 Eyes

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