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by Christopher J. Burke
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837: White Out
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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

It's just about that white outside.

Excuse the commentary, but this was a no-brainer of a decision if only for the predicted temperatures in the city, not the snowfall amount. Why this decision couldn't have been made the evening before instead of scheduling the decision for a time after many have already started their day -- especially on a day where one has to allow extra time for traveling -- is just silly.

In fairness, the decision was made earlier than planned and before I dressed for work, but after my alarm went off so that I could check.

My admiration for those of you living in the affected areas who made it in to work, or attempted to do so. Be careful getting home. Be aware of the conditions around you, and watch out for the crazies, particularly the ones who think they're acting rationally.

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