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(x, why?)
by Christopher J. Burke
Mr. Burke's Math logo
700: A Funny Thing Happened ...

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Mr. Michael Keegan, Math Teacher

A funny thing happened on the way to my class blog ...
The students weren't using it, so I made some bonus comics. I doodled and diddled, and threw in some old jokes.
Next thing I know I have recurring characters, both human and numerical, all developing personalities, in my own geeky version of "Sesame Street" where such could exist side-by-side. (Except that they're never actually existed side-by-side, I think.)

This was definitely the most ambition thing I've done to date -- and those last two words scare the hell out of me.
There were other things that I left out of this. Not just illustrations to go with the text, but other text that didn't fit.
And I wanted as many characters as I could squeeze in, but some were just faces and the stick figures wouldn't blend in well.

That's enough for today.
I need a break. It's hot.
-- Chris Burke

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